if someone would ask me how my views in life have changed since experiencing death so up close and personal, my answer would probably be defined a bit like this.....
I've seen I need to live more in the moment, grab every memory and moment and view it as your last!!
I see Heaven is a little more reachable most days than we would imagine, and I see Heaven in people, places or things I would have missed before!
I see there are miracles waiting for our observation if we would just look up and search!
I see we leave way to much to coincidence and happenstance and give our Heavenly Father the short end of the blessing stick far to often!
I see God cares so immensely much about every single minute or ginormous detail of our lives we often miss touches of Him because we our saturated in ourselves and our own trying to fix and carry every hurt, issue and detail!!
in October, on the 9th Anniversary of Devin's death, my dear friend Andrea, one who has stared death in the face more often then her young life is worthy, gave me a gorgeous orchid with beautiful, dainty, delicate white blooms. it was so comforting to look at, it spoke life, yet also the fragileness of it! it bloomed for several weeks then the blossoms died and it just sat there, looking all naked and stemmy. but.....I kept adding ice chips just in case......and then, this week, 4 more months after it arrived arrayed in all it's delicate glory it has gifted me with, 2 huge greenish yellow with purple accents blooms, and right in time for Devin's 15th birthday!!! the blooms are 3 times the size of the original blossoms and clothed in a whole knew outfit color!!! that!! my friends, is not a coincidence, that is a miracle, a gift, a Father God whispering, I'm still right here, I still see the empty chair at your table, the missing kiddo in your Christmas and vacation pics, I still hurt with you, I'm still loving you, carrying you!!
seeing the current blossoms being so different from original blooms made me think of our fragile earthly bodies and humanness and how after all the sickness and pain Devin put up with, he is now in a brand new body, clothed in amazingly gorgeous heavenly garb, and I know He is in his glory, literally!!!!