Tuesday, July 12, 2011

To Push Or Not To Push!

Summertime has arrived in full array, of colorful flowers, fireflies, camping,VBS, and along with all that, canning season!! Last week i canned a vegetable casserole in a jar and carrots!
It's just  a wonderful feeling to stand over a hot canner anxiously awaiting the birth of the first canned bounty of the season, then to lift them out steaming and brilliant and line them up on the counter like soldiers at attention.
As i go about chopping, washing, slicing, dicing, and prepping the next batch to refill and start the process over i subconsciously tune in for that first delightful ping of fresh canned goodness sealing! and with a smile, and mental fist pump and a YES! they took, they're sealing, i continue the process till the last batch is in and timed!
The day wears on, and I continue to watch and listen as i finish everything up and get my work area cleaned up and back in order. Before i retire for the night exhausted but beaming with my accomplishments, i peer over the rows of gleaming jars one more time and suddenly realize there are 2 jars that stubbornly refused to seal as of yet. I stand there glaring at them tempted to give them the slightest push in the direction they should know they need to go, to gently tap the centers of their golden crown downward so they seal. Then I rethink that whole theory and with a sigh walk away and put myself to bed thinking i need to be patient, i canned them 3 hours, in their time they'll do their thing some just take longer than others.
The next morning i came down to find my canned soldiers standing in a straight line just as I'd left them.....and there as stubborn as ever was the 2 that still refused to seal.
I pondered this whole scenario in my head through out the day, and i wondered if my Saviour ever felt frustrated with me like this. I wondered if He ever looks down at me and says, I would just like to push my daughter a bit, she's just not getting it, it's not sealing in her heart the way it needs to be,. If He throws up His hands and says but she knows, she's heard the truth for years, she knows I've called her to myself, to share me with the lost, hurt, dying, and lonely and yet she sits in her own world. I think how often does He look at me and long for me to just be real, to stop sitting around like a "canned Christian" we look good, say the right things, but refuse to seal it in and get out and share what we have preserved in our hearts with those around us, instead we sit on a shelf in long beautiful rows doing no one any good, least of all our God who does so much for us daily!
An unsealed jar doesn't last, it looks great at first,  but it's only good for a few days........I pray I would be a daughter of His that is real, not someone just going through the motions!


  1. Janette your jars are beautiful! And the vegetables look yummy!
    I join my prayer with yours that God would find us to be usable vessels, not mere knick knacks for show.
    Pam at www.2encourage.blogspot.com

  2. Just wanted to let you know I hopped on over to the Thrifty Pals blog from your blog list. It's a great place to find terrific deals in C-burg. Thanks so much!
    Pam at www.2encourage.blogspot.com
